Book Your Consultation Today!

Stephanie is offering a new Nutrition Reform package which includes an initial consultation, 6x weekly check-ins, and a final consultation. A 20% discount applied if you book here now!

Book Your Consultation Today!

Stephanie is offering an initial 60 minute consultation plus two 30 minute follow up consultations at a reduced rate of £240.  Book now while it lasts!

Stephanie is a London based nutritional therapist who offers personalised nutrition and lifestyle advice with a view to promoting optimal health and wellness.  She has a track record of working with clients with a wide range of health conditions from IBS to hormonal imbalances and weight management, seeing clients both virtually and in person.  In her practice, she takes a functional medicine approach, addressing the root cause of disease, with a strong belief that it is important to treat the individual, not the condition.  This requires a whole systems based approach, and a comprehensive understanding of genetics, environment and lifestyle.  Laboratory testing may be used to identify nutritional status, physiological imbalances or pathogens which may be contributing to poor health.

Her aim is to deliver realistic and achievable yet measurable treatment plans which are unique to each client.  It can be tough for those of us with demanding work and travel schedules to follow a strict protocol and Stephanie takes all of her client’s lifestyle factors into account when creating a plan.  In addition, dietary suggestions are based on the most up-to-date research including peer reviewed trials and other scientific evidence.  As a nutritional therapist, Stephanie’s belief is that the greatest improvements can be made and self healing mechanisms promoted through dietary change.  However, supplements may also be prescribed, if deemed beneficial.   These recommendations will always be based on the most recent scientific research and trials, not on what is a current market trend or fad.

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What My Wonderful Clients Say

As a food allergy sufferer who has issues with my weight, Stephanie’s clear and competent advice has been invaluable. She has helped me understand how to live more healthily, control my portion sizes and recommended great supplements to support my body too. Since following Stephanie’s advice I’ve lost 5kgs and I don’t feel like I’ve had to deprive myself at all in the process.